Wednesday, March 30, 2011

For Him

Rays of sun crawl over the red hills like ripples of water,
swiftly cooling the radiated heat.
I can feel you in the rocks.
I can see you in the skies.
I can smell you in the air.
I can hold you in my pulse and blood
strengthening me with god-like power.
This is where i know i can find you
and i know we'll meet here someday soon.
As the sun slips beneath the soft red rivers,
I see you shine in full glory, calmly blackening the tempered dusk.
Under the night sky, your eyes look down on me and watch,
and as i sleep, you give me air to breathe and dreams to dream.
I dream of you, Sean, with such vividness that i cry when i wake.
The dreams are beautiful and they keep me grounded,
They help me remember that you are never dead.
We grow old in these dreams, families bloom,
days grow long and sweet, and together we finally pass in the night.